Tuesday, June 16, 2009

New posts

It's been about 3 months since I last wrote anything in this hog. I didn't really have much to say and I had other stuff to do at work. However, now that it's summer break and I don't have to teach for a few months, I want to use my new found free time to actually do stuff, instead of just wasting time online (which makes up some of the stuff I had to do at work.)

Some of the things I want to do this summer include (note my Jamfla style bucket list approach):

Cooking and eating new foods
Reading some books
Watching more than 1 Netflix per month
Continuing to work out
Finding a new place to live (in C-bus)
Writing more blog entries

At this point, I'm gonna go ahead and open it up to suggestions for each of the categories. Please let me know if you have any suggestions for any of the above areas, and if I approve, you might be treated to my review of your suggestion on this very blog. I'll give you a sprinkling of my current musings on each area now.

In the food arena, we have recently been working our way through the bag of frozen tilapia fillets I bought at Kroger in various methods; this was tonight's entry.

As for books, I will probably go to the library across the street at pick out some books that I feel like I should have read but never got around to. By that I mean the classic ones where people mention them in some reference and out loud you're like "oooh yeah haha that's a classic," but on the inside you are getting ready to dump your drink on yourself and run to the bathroom if they keep talking about it. Having said that, I read all the Harry Potters last summer, so if you're going to suggest that, you're preaching to the goblin-conducted choir.

Movies - Suggest away, then wait 6 months for it to trickle down through our Netflix queue.

Working out - I'm pretty much set as far as having workouts to do, but if anyone wants to start some kind of informal fighting club in C-bus, let me know. We can wear sparring gear to maintain appearances at work.

For the living situation, unless you live in C-bus, you probably won't have many suggestions. But we are thinking of moving to Grandview if anyone stumbles across anything.

And finally, for my summer series of blog posts, here are a few of my ideas so far:

1) A chronologically-ordered list of albums that remind me of each semester/season of my life from Autumn 2002 to the present. So for each semester/season, I would pick one album that instantly makes me think of that time/place, with maybe a few honorable mentions. (As a friend pointed out, John Cusack did this in High Fidelity. That is a coincidence.)

2) My top 5 list of video games for each of the systems I have owned (Game Boy, Sega Genesis, PS1, PS2, Gamecube, PC)

3) Why Twitter and Facebook are starting to annoy me a lot.

4) Why you shouldn't trust movie critics.

If anyone has ideas for other posts, please let me know. (I think it would be hilarious to pitch ideas to each other's blogs and then have that person bring try to write about that. The results will be zany and hilarious!)


jamfla said...

I think you should do a zany post on what makes a swatch a swatch, and how it differs from man-swatch.

Steph B. said...

I'd be curious about your observations while working at Caribou... I used to go to Starbucks all the time, and now I'm thinking, "Why did I constantly spend $4 on fatty drinks??"